Dec 05, 2023
Git worktrees
Workflow for using git worktrees
In order to get the worktrees feature on git, the repo needs to be a bare repository.
# creating a new repository
git init bare .
# cloning an existing repository
git clone --bare <remote:url>
Worktree commands
# Add a new worktree for an existing branch
git worktree add path/to/dir <existing-branch-name>
# Create worktree for a new branch
# from an existing branch
git worktree add -b <new-branch-name> path/to/dir <existing-branch-name>
# Remove worktree
git worktree remove path/to/dir
# List all worktrees
git worktree list
I can never remember this shitâ€¦đŸ¥²