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Chizi Victor

Software Engineer


Frontend-focused software engineer with extensive experience in developing a wide array of products, ranging from managed service provider (MSP) and e-commerce software to animated portfolio showcases for creative agencies and professionals.

Pioneering Programmers

Senior Frontend Engineer, 2022 - Present

At Pioneering Programmers, I have been pivotal in enhancing the frontend development processes and architecture. My key contributions include:

  • Organizing projects into a cohesive design system, ensuring consistency and scalability across applications.
  • Updating the build tool configuration in Webpack to a modern setup with Hot Module Replacement (HMR) for improved developer experience and faster iterations.
  • Writing comprehensive automated end-to-end tests for critical features, significantly reducing regression bugs and increasing software reliability.
  • Implemented performance optimizations improving application load times and responsiveness, enhancing the overall user experience.


Full Stack Developer, 2021 - 2022

During my time at Aidmedium, I played a crucial role in client-facing projects and full-stack development. My achievements include:

  • Interfacing with clients regularly to gather requirements, understand their unique needs, and deliver tailored software solutions.
  • Integrating various third-party CMS platforms such as and WordPress to provide flexible content management options for clients.
  • Developing an in-house Content Management System (CMS) to streamline e-commerce template management.
  • Cross-functional collaboration with designers, backend developers, and project managers to deliver cohesive and high-quality products on time.

Cyte Technologies

Frontend Developer, 2021

As a Frontend Developer at Cyte-Code, I was responsible for translating designs into functional and aesthetically pleasing web interfaces. My primary responsibilities included:

  • Converting design mockups into responsive, high-performance web pages.
  • Integrating APIs to enhance frontend functionality and ensure seamless data flow between the frontend and backend systems.
  • Worked closely with designers to ensure the visual fidelity of implementations and alignment with user experience goals.